I’ve set up a blog for all of the family. Bel‘s already getting competitive about it, and we’re only in beta!
The reason I’ve done it is so the kids have a fun way to keep track of what they have seen and done, while keeping in contact with family and friends at school. It’s probably a little bit early to introduce them to their blogs, I don’t want them to get bored of them before we go away.
We’ve booked some of our accommodation. We spent less than we thought we would, so Bel thinks she has a bit of extra shoe money. But I’ve got my eye on a new lens for the camera. I’ve decided I need a wide angle lens for all of the scenery we will see. I’m tossing up between the Canon 10-22mm and the 10-18mm. I’m leaning towards the 10-18mm. Maybe we can do both.
On a completely unrelated note, I’m being told by WordPress that my readability needs improving. Not very constructive, as it doesn’t tell me how to improve it. Oh, now it is saying it is OK. WordPress is trolling me already, and it is only my second post.