At the moment we are staying in Venice near St Marc’s Basilica . Venice is so easy to get lost in, because heaps of places look the same and it is really crowded.
First thing Friday morning me and jem went shopping. The other kids didn’t want to come. So when me and jem went to the bakery and got a chocolate cannoli to show them what they missed out on.

my chocolate connoli

Octopus from the supermacato

San Marco – Palezzo Decale (Palace)
After breakfast we went on a gondola and we toured the canals of Venice around the Castello area. The buildings in Venice are slowly sinking and the water was coming over the steps and into the doorways of some buildings. I also saw the water police.
me in a gondola
At lunch time we went to the glass factory at Murano. We saw how glass was made. The guy showed us how hot the glass was after it was made by putting a leaf inside the vase and the leaf set on fire straight away. He told us that it was 1200 oC hot.

the glass master is making a vase
Then we saw all of the glass that they made in a shop. One of the guys let us see his personal collection that he didn’t let anyone else see. I bought 4 glass things they were a glass bull, a glass crystal, a glass fish and a vase.
Today I’m leaving Venice. I thought Venice was one of the best places I’ve been yet.