We arrived in Rome last night, after an early morning, with a rushed last visit to Positano beach, where we had one more Positanian gelato for… call it energy to get back up the stairs.

Luke throwing pebbles into the beach at Positano. Chloe is swimming and Zeki is snorkling

A view of the church in Positano from the first set of stairs up to our apartment.

Making our way up, this is where we have been.

Then more and more stairs

And more…just 1/3 the way there 😉
We then endured the death defying taxi ride around the sea towns of the Amalfi coast and caught the train from Salerno to Rome.
We had a late dinner in a very cheap looking restaurant near the Trevi fountain. When we were at the table the kids started talking about what they missed in Australia. Zeki missed his Mum’s cuddles, Chloe her Dad’s. Luke missed his Dad, but also Bear and Duncan (his cat and turtle).
Conversation soon turned to the differences between Australia and Italy. The key things that the kids a big picked up on were:
- Driving on the opposite side of road
- Bidets in bathrooms
- Paying to use toilets
- Italy has grand structures
- Better pizza and pasta
- No snags and mash
After a massive day of travel, our little gladiators were tired (putting it nicely) and missing home even more. Some needing a cuddle to sleep.
Monday morning and there are so many different things to see in Rome. Today we started with the Colosseum followed by the Roman Forum, from our apartment (which is close to the Trevi fountain) this was a 6km return walk.
For our visit to the Colosseum I purchased an audio tour to ensure the kids would receive some educational value from our visit. They very diligently found each listening point and listened to the historical information. I watched Luke’s eyes light up every time a gladiator was mentioned.
Strange enough Zeki found a book shop in the Colosseum, so we all bought a keep sake. I decided I am collecting fridge magnets, so naturally bought one with the Colosseum on it. Zeki bought a coin and Chloe a snow globe.

An early walk to the Collosseum

Temple of Saturn?

Luke outside the Colosseum

Me and Luke

Me and the bear

The cross

The kids looking inside the Colosseum

Colosseum from inside looking up
While the Colosseum is impressive for its time, I enjoyed wandering about the ruins wondering what once was at the Roman Forum. There are so many incredible structures.

Luke said “Quick, take my picture and lets get out of here before this falls”.

Zeki and Jem walking around

Temple of Antoninus and Faustina

Nice statues in the Roman Forum

Another statue…

The kids are making me lose my head

Such large structures(Temple of Antoninus and Faustina)

More ruins

Roman Forum

Love this building in the distance, the one with the horse statue ontop

Walking through the Roman Forum

Walking around the Roman Forum

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Nope I am getting bored
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